Let’s first define “easy cupcakes.” Cupcakes by definition require more effort than a basic 9 x 13 frosted cake. You have to put just the right amount of batter into each little liner, inside each little tin. What is “easy” about cupcakes is not so much the making of them, but the eating of them. So, relax a little when you are looking for easy cupcake recipes. All of the easy cupcake recipes are still going to require “cupcake effort” on your part.
However, the bonus is that each cupcake is individually consumed, disposed, and none require forks or even plates really. No knife for cutting individual pieces, no fighting over which party-goer gets the piece of cake with the most frosting or the least frosting is music to your ears too.
So perhaps cupcakes are worth the extra upfront effort if in the moment of serving the treat, all things go more smoothly. You can make cupcakes that are all identical for a classroom of children, and then no one has to fuss about which one the child wants or doesn’t want.
And, if you’re serving cupcakes to adults, you can offer more variety perhaps than if you were limiting yourself to serving just one cake. You can make perhaps two or three kinds of cupcakes from which the guests can choose. Who knows? Maybe they will want one of each.
Again, this might seem like more upfront work (and it is), but the pay off comes in the convenience of consumption. You don’t have to stand there serving everyone a piece of cake. You can simply set the cupcakes out, and let people choose as they wish. No plates or forks required. Maybe you can offer small paper plates or just napkins, and then a trash can for them to throw that precious liner into. And you’re done!
Now that you are excited to make cupcakes and watch the serving and cleanup process go so smoothly, consider all the kinds of cupcakes that you can make! Red Velvet, Easy Brownie, Easy Cream Cheese, and Chocolate Peanut Butter Cupcakes are just a few ideas, and the possibilities go on and on.